Lošinjski dobri dupini najpoznatiji su jadranski dupini jer njihovo istraživanje traje već tri desetljeća. Cijeli svoj život oni provode u području Kvarnerića a istraživači ih znaju poimence. Lošinjska zajednica dobrih dupina relativno je mala, procijenjeni broj jedinki svega je oko 200. Najstariji dupini Lošinja, kao što su Vivian, Tac i Mida imaju preko 30 godina!
Iskusni skiperi i edukatori te poznavanje pojedinačnih dobrih dupina i mogućnost njihovog prepoznavanja garantiraju vam jedinstveni doživljaj!
Nakon izleta iskoristite svoju kartu za besplatni ulazak u Lošinjski edukacijski centar o moru i naučite nešto više o tim fascinantnim životinjama.
It was a fantastic trip that I will always remember! For me as a hobby photographer it was the first time being able to take pictures of those great animals in their natural environment. And I hope to have another change one time to get out there with my camera to do some more pics! I can highly recoment these tours to everybody – and also to mention that the guides are taking care not to disturb the animals, animal-friendly tourism at it’s best! Thank you for the great time and unforgettable moments.
Martina H., Austria
I just had a wonderful boat trip to see the dolphins near Veli Losinj. You find attached a short video of a part of these elegant animals dancing in the sea! The Blue-World Organisation in Veli Losinj is the only one to arrange dolphin watch tours in this area with the garantee to see dolphins. When it should not be possible – like it was the case with my first trip – you get the possibility to join an other tour without additional fees to see the dolphins. I had the chance the next day and it was overwhelming! housand thanks to the Blue World Organisation and the nice skipper!
Robert P., Wiener Neustadt, Austria